Chakra Removal
A majority of people do not know what a Chakra system is. Or indeed what an energy system is, in relation to spirituality; perhaps also regarding to physics. Never mind that the practice of Chakra Closure, Chakra Cleansing, Chakra Clearing and Chakra Removal are totally foreign to you. Not knowing what these systems are is nothing to be embarrassed about, or ashamed about.
I want to show you how I was struggling to excel and cope in life TO kick ass spiritual defender in as little as SIX months and you can too (yes, you really can).
I want you to try the Ascension Group Diary amongst knowledgeable and experienced support groups or person(s) to aid you. Either online or face-to-face. I say this at my risk, as I know it works but you don’t …yet!
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, through having followed instructions, I want you to immediately discontinue any form of spiritual energy practices that you do by yourself for the short term. I mean it. Check that you are not taking short cuts, that your mind is in clarity, that your intuition is working well for you, that your surroundings are helping you and not hindering you, that you have your Treasure Chest of tools and resources with you in whichever practices that you decide to perform. There are a plethora of people working in spirituality that you can integrate help from.
I want you to stay strong in yourself that you can do this with the perfect help and not be stuck with a veil of mental chatter that is continuously distracting you from your journey. Where you are periodically entering into the same dilemmas time and time again, or having escalating ‘incidences’ happening to you. I mean it. The object is that you move on to something better in your life and the Ascension Group Diary is there as a candle showing you the way. Hold on to it and it will guide you in a way that is perfect for you to use and understand. Particularly as spiritual energy matters can be complicated or muddled in its comprehension. I don’t even want you throwing money at me for this guidance. Keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open clarity for you in sessions for US$1000+.
I value our relationship and my reputation more, way more, than a few thousand pounds, euros, dollars, yen, etc. So please, try Ascension Group Diary for... SIX months (even though you will gain beneficial energy interactions during your lifetime with this, I am giving you six months to be completely sure and utterly satisfied when you use the Ascension Group Diary to its fullest potential, to aid your spiritual energy well-being as you go about your day-to-day business) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the proper fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in your Self.
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, through having followed instructions, I want you to immediately discontinue any form of spiritual energy practices that you do by yourself for the short term. I mean it. Check that you are not taking short cuts, that your mind is in clarity, that your intuition is working well for you, that your surroundings are helping you and not hindering you, that you have your Treasure Chest of tools and resources with you in whichever practices that you decide to perform. There are a plethora of people working in spirituality that you can integrate help from.
I want you to stay strong in yourself that you can do this with the perfect help and not be stuck with a veil of mental chatter that is continuously distracting you from your journey. Where you are periodically entering into the same dilemmas time and time again, or having escalating ‘incidences’ happening to you. I mean it. The object is that you move on to something better in your life and the Ascension Group Diary is there as a candle showing you the way. Hold on to it and it will guide you in a way that is perfect for you to use and understand. Particularly as spiritual energy matters can be complicated or muddled in its comprehension. I don’t even want you throwing money at me for this guidance. Keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open clarity for you in sessions for US$1000+.
I value our relationship and my reputation more, way more, than a few thousand pounds, euros, dollars, yen, etc. So please, try Ascension Group Diary for... SIX months (even though you will gain beneficial energy interactions during your lifetime with this, I am giving you six months to be completely sure and utterly satisfied when you use the Ascension Group Diary to its fullest potential, to aid your spiritual energy well-being as you go about your day-to-day business) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the proper fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in your Self.
Why should you know...
Why should you know what these systems are about, if they have no perceived relevance to your current growth and development. Particularly as you go about your daily business of trying to live your life. No-one knows everything. We all perceive experiences of life from our distinctive points of view. Some aspects of our life is stranger than fiction. It is easier to dismiss those aspects as they do not fall into the links of logic and reality.
Questions, questions, questions...
The logic and reality that our mind informs us, is believed as tangible and has an order to it. Anything and everything unseen and intangible is usually humoured through disinformation, or attacked with such ferocity that it begs the question WHY?
Ask yourself the questions:
'Who are the individuals that are providing misinformation about all things unseen and intangible?'
'What is the disinformation that they peddle to persuade you, that ALL things unseen and intangible are to be humoured and ignored?'
'Where do these individuals come from?'
'How does their stance convince you?'
What are the answers that you arrive at? What is your level of clarity right now on all things unseen and intangible?
The fact is...
The fact that a majority of people do not know what a Chakra system is and after some research reading, communication and interactions with those in the New Age, Spirituality, and Occult sphere, we are still unsure of its uses. Some people have more positive connections to their Chakras. Whilst others are having quite profoundly negative experiences. To turn the negative into a positive is not a process of merely wishing the Chakras to be removed.
Everyone is different and...
Everyone has a different energy system and this is connected at varying levels to your Chakra system. With this comes various kinetic and static processes and origins, as your energy system changes. When you are born you take on the trauma of birth. When you hear your parents or guardians scream and show anger towards each other you take on some of that trauma. And so on and so forth. All these traumas become ingrained into your psyche. They latch on, by hooking themselves to you for your entire lifetime. This situation can only change when you need to 'unravel' the destructive and traumatic aspects of your life and change them into positive seeds of consciousness. Your Chakra system and your Aura bodies become a place of rest for these traumas. Your Chakra vessels become infiltrated with entities belonging to others and from your environment. They hook themselves to you and feed off from you. Spirits do the same thing. They jump in and out of your body at a whim. The question is HOW can you cleanse, clear and remove all that is not needed in your Chakra system and your Aura bodies.
A kaleidoscope of chaos, images, words, actions?
The energies doing the damage do not cease to be energies when they are removed. They transform from something that is no longer needed and required, into energy that serves a purpose for your greater development. Even terrible experiences enable you to learn something about life and your own mortality. That does not mean however, that we are supposed to continue in a life of drudgery, harm, upset, depression and dispondency. Quite the opposite. The way that the Chakras are removed from the individual is very much dependant on that time and space of the person. By this what is meant is, where are your thoughts when going though changes? Are your thoughts leaping about from one theme to another? A kaleidoscope of chaos, images, words, actions? When you try to be positive, is this quickly hijacked by greater uncertainty and fear ensnaring you? And so the cycle continues.
What is it...
What is it that you are encountering in your life, to render you to need your Chakra system removed? What do you feel, imagine or know are the barriers, blockages and cords that are binding you to make your life unbearable, which makes you decide that you need to have your Chakra system removed? How intuitive, grounded and aware were you when you were searching for a solution to remove your Chakras?
Had your Chakra system removed...
If you have had your Chakra system removed, did you have any ill feelings and thoughts whilst you were removing the Chakra system? In which location were you when you removed your Chakra system? Did the location feel right for you? Was your mind hopping around, jumping with various aspects of your life that you were scared of, frightened of or dreading? What was your state of mind whilst going through the processes of Chakra Removal? All these things matter when you embark upon altering one energy state to another.
What your Chakra Blueprint is?
Do you know what your Chakra Blueprint is? Do you care what it is? Briefly, a Chakra Blueprint is your specific blueprint that carries your divine gifts, your purpose in this lifetime and your mission as a soul /spirit / energy during this lifetime on the planet Earth. When your Blueprint is activated from birth it holds information that involves how you will live and contribute to your environment and how you are to connect with others. During our lifetime our Blueprint will have some things missing or exaggerated. It is observed by many in the New Age, Spirituality and Occult sphere as a control centre. This Blueprint holds hidden blockages that prevent you from downloading and re-awakening your Divine Self Blueprint. Your Sovereign Self. Your true Self that has the ability to manifest whatever you Need, Want and Desire.
Not all solutions are ideal for all persons.
We all take differing paths to our destiny. We all walk in differing shoes as our life changes. We all perceive things in differing ways. Not all solutions are ideal for all persons. When we read about various methods and techniques to do something, sometimes the methods are familiar to us. At other times, the methods seem strange and too bizarre to comprehend and follow. At other times the methods make us fearful of what is being asked of us in order to achieve something. You choose the method that suits you and which your mind can assimilate with ease. Get access today.
Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I may remember.
Involve me and I will understand.
Chinese proverb
Show me and I may remember.
Involve me and I will understand.
Chinese proverb
When learning something we fall into three categories.
1. There are those that learn by reading an instruction. These individuals process methods and techniques directly as they read it.
2. There are those that require visual assistance. These individuals require someone to show them what to do in order for the methods and techniques to make sense to them and for it to take affect.
3. There are those that learn by doing; kinetic. This provides the opportunity for individuals to learn methods and techniques by doing something. An action.
So it is with Chakra Removal. There are differing ways to remove your Chakras. You can remove the Chakras as one unified energy, or you can remove the Chakras one by one. It is up to you. You choose which is best for you so that you gain the most benefit from its process.
For more information read:
1. The Secret Behind the Chakras by Laura Lee Mystic (
2. Sophia Stewart and the Matrix (Sophia Stewart exposes Hollywood elites for stealing her creative works)
1. The Secret Behind the Chakras by Laura Lee Mystic (
2. Sophia Stewart and the Matrix (Sophia Stewart exposes Hollywood elites for stealing her creative works)
About Me
I am an accredited Assessor in Adult Development and Training. I am also a qualified professional Healer. I experienced Out of Body Experiences (OBE's) as a child. My spirituality is heightened. I have gained knowledge from a variety of areas as I have sought answers to ever increasing questions. I am always learning something new. I am frequently challenging old belief systems. I question new processes and ascertain its purpose to my life in the here and now. In June 2016 I had a Karmic Body Removal and a Chakra Cleansing and Closure. I have had my Chakra system removed. I sense downloads and heightened energy changes daily. My connection to Mother Earth and to source is heightened.
From September 2016...
From September 2016 into the latter part of 2017 there will be greater energy changes. Some of you that have made energy system transformations will receive the downloads to develop more powerfully. It is our role to assist those seeking freedom from energy systems bondage, to greater clarity and well-being. These people in turn will then help others following. This is a steady process involving hard work, time and understanding. The greater the injustices of war, famine and hatred amongst the races, the greater the obstacles (slow down) to help others being freed from psychic attacks, Aura, Chakra and Karmic Body traumas. The object is to regain your Sovereign power as a spiritual being. We should all be doing Out of Body Experiences (OBE's) easily and remembering them with ease. With the exception of a small group of people, most of us do not. Get access to the Chakra Removal Methods/Techniques today. Please note that the £10 Special Offer is only available on specific dates. Not before. Not after.
Connect and network...
Connect with others and build a strong team of those that are spiritually aware, to help evolve each other for the greater good. Do not connect with anyone. Connect with individuals that you can learn from, where they can learn from you, plus, where you sense a synergy with them in a positive way. Their growth is your growth. And vice versa. Get access to the monthly newsletters to help you connect.
Still seeking to remove your Chakra system? Read on...
So the question remains, HOW can you remove your Chakra system? If you are interested in receiving two Chakra Removal Methods then please contact me. You have two options. You can do the removal of your Chakra system on your own. OR. I can guide you online. Some people need a helping hand to be sure that they are doing the processes of the removal correct, so this guidance is specifically for you. Get access to two Chakra Removal Methods/Techniques and your copy of the 2021 Ascension Group Diary today. Please note that the £10 Special Offer is only available on specific dates. Not before. Not after.
Best recommended Chakra Removal Methods/Techniques, click here. Use in conjunction with your copy of the 2021 Ascension Group Diary.
Click Chakra Closure to find out more.
One can have no greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.
No apologies or excuses, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
This is the day your life really begins.
Robert Moawad
Robert Moawad
At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit,
or further away from it.
Thich Nhat Hanh
or further away from it.
Thich Nhat Hanh
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